Daniel Selvan | Program Manager

Daniel is Program Manager, Tamil Nadu, at TEA.

As a development profession committed to addressing educational inequity, Daniel’s passion lies in working for and with children to bridge the gaps. He firmly believes that every child possesses untapped potential and has an equal role to play in creating a better world. Before TEA, he worked with Learning Links Foundation, Teach for India, and a tech startup.

Over the past nine years, his volunteering endeavours with Shanti Ashram, Arigatou International, and Living Peace International have become instrumental in building his professional ethic, rooted in empathy and the promotion of child participation. His research area of focus revolves around Early Childhood Education, recognizing its vital role in nurturing the foundational skills that shape a child’s future. This interest enabled him to pursue a Master’s in Education from Azim Premji University.

Driven by his learnings from personal experiences, he established ‘One Hundred Changes,’ a volunteer-driven crowdfunding organization aimed at providing financial support to children from low-income communities, enabling their enrollment in private schools.